Tara Hassler Photography

Specializing in Modern Glamour, Headshots, and Private Events

Ligonier Valley School Board Campaign Portraits

After running for school board individually and winning the primary, Cindy, Josi & Donnie realized they all share the same passion for our childrens’ education. Therefore, they decided to run together in hopes of improving our district. One of their main concerns is bridging the gap between the school board and parents. This trio wants to unify our valley with a team effort and unwavering dedication. On November 2nd, four seats on the Ligonier Valley School Board need filled in the general election. 🇺🇸 Get out and vote! #tarahasslerphotography / Ligonier, PA / 814-691-3346

Tara Hassler Photography

Ligonier, PA
(814) 691-3346