Tara Hassler Photography

Specializing in Modern Glamour, Headshots, and Private Events

Branding photos for Connections Cafe

Branding photos for one of my favorite places to eat in Ligonier, Connections Café! Sharon, the owner, always has fresh and organic ingredients. She is located in a new location between the Fort and the Creamery. (Which is right across the street from her old location). In the summer she makes a delicious pizza on the grill. If you haven’t been here yet for lunch, you must stop and try it! She is open 11am-3pm. She is also part of our Women Business Group WBN, and we hold our meetings in her cafe! #tarahasslerphotography / Ligonier, PA / 814-691-3346 / [email protected]

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Tara Hassler Photography

Ligonier, PA
(814) 691-3346