Tara Hassler Photography

Specializing in Modern Glamour, Headshots, and Private Events

Ben Carson Private Event

I have been so busy with private events lately, however I am not allowed to share photos from them due to privacy of members. I can share this one though! One of my favorite events I photograph every single year. Dr Ben Carson is the nicest, most soft spoken gentleman I have ever met. Him and his wife Candy do incredible things for students who work hard at school.

One of my favorite quotes by him is this, “We’ve been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems. But at some point, maybe we will wake up and recognize that it was the politicians who created our problems”. True words. Thank you Dr Carson, until next year! #tarahasslerphotography / Ligonier, PA / 814-691-3346 / [email protected]

Tara Hassler Photography

Ligonier, PA
(814) 691-3346